Click Here
Found this on the web and just had to embed it here. Just click on the link above. Will open the movie in another tab and movie will automatically begin playing. Turn up your sound and click full screen mode. Sit back and enjoy.
I heartily recommend reading below before watching....
Why We Ride - The Movie
An inspiring celebration of the motorcycling community, Why We Ride is a documentary film that shares the passion of motorcycle riding and shows the comaraderie of the friends and families who ride together. As told by the many racers, riders, pioneers, and parents in the sport, the story weaves it's way through generations of motorcyclists who live each day to the fullest on their two-wheeled machines. The refreshing message about the joys of motorcycling, coupled with state of the art photography, capture the imagination and set the soul in motion.
Why We Ride is a story about who we are. Individuals with a desire to
dream, discover and explore. Seeking a life outside our daily
confinements and sharing those moments together. It’s a story about the
journey, not the destination. Motorcycles represent the milestones of
our lives. From a kid’s dream come true, to a retiree’s return to
freedom. From a family riding together on the sand dunes, to hundreds of
choppers carving through the canyons – the bond is the same. It’s about
the passion of the riders and the soul of their machines.
"This film may become as well known as “On Any Sunday,”
the quintessential motorcycle documentary everyone loves. The
difference between them is instead of focusing on motorcycle
competition, this film is about the motorcycle rider, the rider’s
relationship to the machine, other riders, and the experience that is
being a motorcycle rider." .......T. C.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Motorcycle Cruiser Magazine - Premier Issue -Spring 1996
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Gold Wing With an Attitude
It's almost here. Back in July of 1994, Motorcyclist printed an unauthorized photo of a Gold Wing-based cruiser, which Honda said was just a concept bike to test customer reaction. However, when Honda got word about Yahama's Royal Star, the rumor suddenly became real steel. Honda named it the Valkyrie, and it will arrive this spring as a 1997 model...
Saturday, July 26, 2014
TwoWheels Magazine - March 1997 - (AU)
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A very American motorcycle
Forget Wagner, this ride of the Valkyrie owes much more to John Phillip Sousa or Carl Perkins.
Cruiser of the Decade,
Flat 6 Custom,
Honda Valkyrie,
Hot-Rod Cruiser,
Muscle Bike,
Performance Cruiser,
Power Cruiser,
The Dragon,
TwoWheel Magazine
Ride Magazine - November 1996
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Space station-sized Honda Valkyrie lands on Earth. We make contact.
Five minutes after picking up the Valkyrie, I rode into the heaviest thunderstorm this side of a horror film: thunder, lighting and the kind of wind that usually sets you down on a yellow brick road...
Did I care? Nope, not at all. I spent the whole journey giggling like a schoolboy and whistling Born To Be Wild to myself.
Cruiser of the Decade,
Flat 6 Custom,
Honda Valkyrie,
Hot-Rod Cruiser,
Muscle Bike,
Performance Cruiser,
Power Cruiser,
Rider Magazine,
The Dragon,
Friday, July 25, 2014
Motorcycle Sport and Leisure Magazine - July 1996
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First Aquaintance: Here comes the Valkyrie
What do you call a motorcycle that's 38 inches across the bars and more than 8 feet long? The Valkyrie. That's what! Made in Honda's Marysville Ohio factory in the US of A, and powered by a tuned version of the highly acclaimed 1520cc, flat-six Gold Wing motor, that first came to the UK in 1988, the Valkyrie weighs in at 310kg (682lbs) and looks simply stunning. On paper, it outpoints all it's competitors by a huge margin but is it, as Honda claim, poised to take on the mantle of the "baddest bike on the boulevard"?
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Motorcycle Cruiser Magazine - August 2000
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A 202 horsepower Valkyrie? Pass the laughing gas please
WHAT DOES IT TAKE to make your heart pound? To make your toes tingle and your belly quake? For our ancestors it was lions, tigers and barbarity. Adrenaline was all about saving your ass. Nowadays a metabolic rush is more commonly a self-induced amusement--a tool used to heighten one's own sense of existence. It could be a run with the bulls, a ride on a roller coaster or jumping spread eagle from 15,000 feet. Or it could be ripping down the dragstrip on a nitrous-sucking Valkyrie...
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
The Honda Valkyrie
Original Honda Valkyrie TV Ad
It was true in '97, it's true today.
One of the finest motorcycle's ever built....The Honda Valkyrie...
Cruiser of the Decade,
Flat 6 Custom,
Honda Valkyrie,
Hot-Rod Cruiser,
Muscle Bike,
Performance Cruiser,
Power Cruiser,
The Dragon,
Motorcycle Cruiser Magazine - June 2002
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A Custom Valkyrie Quartet Unleashes 24 Pistons of Custom Fury
When we hold a real-world power cruiser shootout, rest assured the six-cylinder Valkyrie will run at the front of the pack. Honda's seminal musclebike has always been one of our favorite rides, with it's rare combination of power and gentlemanly manners. Until that contest materializes however, you'll have to sate your hunger with the delectable buffet of custom Valks we've cooked up here. Dinner is served....
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Superbike Magazine - October 1998
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Four completely different ways to enjoy 100 horsepower
If 100bhp is a boring figure we'll all eat our hats. Just to prove it we grabbed a vee-twin, vee-four, an in-line four and a flat six that all make 100bhp and blow your mind in doing so...
Bike Magazine,
Flat 6 Custom,
Honda Valkyrie,
Hot-Rod Cruiser,
Muscle Bike,
Performance Cruiser,
Power Cruiser,
SuperBike Magazine,
The Dragon,
Rider Magazine - January 1999
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1999 Honda Valkyrie Interstate
Just as this issue was going to press Honda announced that it will jump into the heavy touring-cruiser segment big-time with a third Valkyrie model called the Interstate....
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Ride Magazine - June 1998
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Forget all the cliches - one of these cruisers is a contender for the bike of the decade...
Cruiser of the Decade,
Flat 6 Custom,
Honda Valkyrie,
Hot-Rod Cruiser,
Muscle Bike,
Performance Cruiser,
Power Cruiser,
Ride Magazine,
The Dragon,
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Motorcycle Cruiser Magazine - December 2000
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HEAVY BREATHER: A Road Star and a Valkyrie that open up and say ah!
Supercharged Customs: Balance of Power
While we haven't seen any turbocharged cruisers yet, the two customs presented here embody the leading edge of cruiser performance, without sacrificing style.
Honda Valkyrie. F6C. The Dragon. The Fat Lady. A Modern Classic.
Big Bike Mad's brief but loving look at the Honda Valkyrie F6C, Also known as the Fat Lady and the Dragon.
For his awesome written review, with pictures, click the link below...
Cruiser of the Decade,
Flat 6 Custom,
Honda Valkyrie,
Hot-Rod Cruiser,
Muscle Bike,
Performance Cruiser,
Power Cruiser,
The Dragon,
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Motorcycle Cruiser Magazine - June 1999
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Out of This World
Chet Walters started with a black Valkyrie, but it didn't stay that way. When we saw Walters and his bike last year at Americade, his bike was dressed in it's touring trim....
Here is the link to Chet's Valkyrie page. There's a wealth of information on his site.
You will need Java installed to view the animations.
Cruiser of the Decade,
Flat 6 Custom,
Honda Valkyrie,
Hot-Rod Cruiser,
Motorcycle Consumer News,
Muscle Bike,
Performance Cruiser,
Power Cruiser,
Monday, July 14, 2014
Rider Magazine - April 1996
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Royal Star--Valkyrie Battle?
Honda revealed it's humongous new six-cylinder cruiser (see Kickstarts, Rider, March 1996) to the public for the first time at the Chicago, Illinois, motorcycle show last January.....
Cruiser of the Decade,
Flat 6 Custom,
Honda Valkyrie,
Hot-Rod Cruiser,
Muscle Bike,
Performance Cruiser,
Power Cruiser,
Rider Magazine,
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Rider Magazine - June 1999
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1999 Yamaha Royal Star Venture, 1999 Honda Valkyrie Interstate, 1999 Harley-Davidson FLH Electra Glide Classic
Each of these machines seems to have reinvented itself at the same time, and in essentially the same way, with bolt on, hard-sided luggage and a fork-mounted fairing. And our three bikes are powered by a two-cylinder, a four-cylinder and a six-cylinder engine. Which cylinder count stirs your batter better?
Motorcycle Tour & Cruiser Magazine - Sept 1997
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Valkyrie Tourer: Honda's Visual, Visceral Viking Cruise Ship
"You dare to challenge the power of the mighty flat-six. You will pay dearly for your transgression, meager car driver!"
Those words were churning through my head as I rode the Valkyrie Tourer on a city street recently. In fact, this was the type of monologue that often passed through my mind as I rolled along on what could be the biggest production motorcycle ever, visually and mechanically...
Honda Dealer Brochure - Valkyrie 03
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On a bike like this, it's hard to be humble
We'll be the first to admit it: This bike isn't for everybody...
When we first premiered our awesome Valkyrie, jaws dropped. What were we thinking? While our original Valkyrie certainly fit the defination of a motorcycle, it seemed to embody the outer limits of what a performance cruiser could be....
Friday, July 11, 2014
Valkyrie Riders Cruiser Club
Valkyrie Riders Cruiser Club
The place to go for all things Valkyrie.
If you own a Honda Valkyrie and are not already a member, you need to visit the VRCC and check it out for yourself. Find out what your missing out on. Great fellow Valk riders, a Tech forum that will astound you, State Chapters, Vendors, Links, Articles, Shop Talk, Rides and Events, Photo's, Accessory Reviews, and the opportunity to learn more about one of the best motorcycles ever built.
If your thinking about getting a Valkyrie and want to know more about them, this is the go to place for all things Valkyrie. Lurkers Welcome!
Cruiser of the Decade,
Flat 6 Custom,
Honda Valkyrie,
Hot-Rod Cruiser,
Muscle Bike,
Performance Cruiser,
Power Cruiser,
Valkyrie Riders Cruiser Club,
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Motorcycle Cruiser Magazine - April 1999
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Kings of the Road
Valkyrie and Nomad challenge Road King for the Best Bagger crown
Harley Road King, Honda Valkyrie Tourer and Kawasaki Nomad saddlebag to saddlebag on the back roads of Arizona.
Monday, July 7, 2014
Motorcycle Cruiser Magazine - June 1998
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HotRod: Bruiser
This Valkyrie Makes 128 ponies without a blower, turbo or nitrous...yet
Rider Magazine - March 1996
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Ride of the Valkyrie
Que the orchestra to play the Wagner symphony--Honda will introduce a flat opposed, six-cylinder Gold Wing-based cruiser called the Valkyrie F6 in the late spring of 1996 as a 1997 model....
Cruiser of the Decade,
Flat 6 Custom,
Honda Valkyrie,
Hot-Rod Cruiser,
Hot-Rod Gold Wing,
Muscle Bike,
Performance Cruiser,
Power Cruiser,
Rider Magazine,
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Motorcycle International Magazine - February 1997
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Genuine surprises, pleasant ones, are an uncommon feature of road testing.
It's all to easy to become if not cynical then at least blase` about so many of the bikes that pass through our hands. But just occasionally we find ourselves with something that defies accepted standards.
Every job has it's perks and this is ours.
Friday, July 4, 2014
CycleWorld Magazine - January 1999
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Honda Valkyrie Interstate - Six-pack for the road.
It wasn't enough that Yamaha surprised everyone with it's neo-classic Venture. Oh, no. Honda had to get into the game, too. Just as we were going to press, a bomb in the form of the retro-styled Valkyrie Interstate was dropped...
Chasing The Valk - pt.1
Miami River Rd and Hwy 53 Oregon 2009 from NWBikers.Com on Vimeo.
The Story Behind These Video's:
in his own words...
Memories. Teresa we (I) miss you.
"Oh Teresa what a gal. I found Teresa in Spring 2009 (I think). I was leading a group of riders to Run 21 in Berkenfeld Oregon. We were gathering in Olympia Washington. My first site of Teresa was her riding by me to the end of the line on her Valk. The Valk is a huge Honda with a flat 6 cylinder engine. It is something special.
As she road by me my thought was "Man that is a big bike for such a little girl". LOL I was to be educated later. Teresa was tall and skinny. A very attractive lady. But on that bike at first sight she looked very small.

So off we went. I took off and soon lost the main group but I could see a couple riders behind me. There was at least one other ST rider. Then we hit the twisties and my attention was all ahead of me. Seems to me in hind sight I might have thought I heard something behind me. But in the tight twisties I did not look back.
As we were getting closer to the end I again heard something and this time I looked back. I was greeted with a rear view mirror full of a big red and white Honda Valkyrie. Holy crap that LITTLE girl was laying that valk on its side grinding metal on both sides. She was right on my rear. So I watched the rear view a little more on those last few corners.
When we got to the intersection I pulled into the parking area and got off. I could see way back the one other ST coming, but Teresa and the Valk were right there. I ran back to her and said holy shit you can ride that bike. I was thinking of adding "will you marry me" . She had a huge grin on her face. We were to spend the next couple days riding just her and I. She never wanted to stop and no route was to long.
Teresa road with our group for the next year or so then all of a sudden she moved to Alaska. We have not seen or heard from her for a long time. Teresa if you see this drop me or us a line."
Now that's a cool story, and three great video's of him chasing Teresa on her Valkyrie!
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Chasing The Valk II & III
Chasing the Valk II from NWBikers.Com on Vimeo.
"A Motorcycle ride on Siletz River Rd in Oregon"
Chasing the Valk III from NWBikers.Com on Vimeo.
"Chasing Teresa on her Valk on Hwy 14 Idaho"
A special thank you to The X Man of Northwest Sport Touring for posting these video's about Teresa and her Valkyrie.
Motorcycle Cruiser Magazine - August 2002
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Muscle Mania: Hot Rod Hearts
See how the performance cruisers stack up
Will the real muscle cruisers please stand up?
Magna, Mean Streak, Valkyrie, VTX-C, V-Rod, Warrior, V-Max
Use the term "performance cruiser" in a room full of motorcyclists, and somebody will tell you it's an oxymoron.....
Cruiser of the Decade,
Flat 6 Custom,
Honda Valkyrie,
Hot-Rod Cruiser,
Motorcycle Cruiser Magazine,
Muscle Bike,
Power Cruiser,
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
SuperBike Magazine - July 1998
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Supercharged Honda Valkyrie: 0-150mph in only one change of underwear.
Two Brothers Racing show they have a fine sense of humour by double supercharging a six-cylinder Honda Valkyrie...
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